My Guide To Buying A GPSr


After a lot of looking around I decided to buy a Garmin Etrex. I was planning on buying a Garmin Etrex H from argos, but then I discovered a problem with it. They need really expensive serial cables. I went onto ebay and just by luck I managed to get a Garmin Etrex (not 'h') with a serial cable included for £50. This then left me with enough money to buy a pda for paperless caching.

So far I have only come across one permanent problem. The name of the waypoint can only be six characters long, so I decided to put the geocache code in. Then i realised that most of the codes were seven characters long. I did not think that this would be a problem, but i only discovered it was on the second caching trip with it. I was attempting to find a cache and needed the hint. I took the six characters I knew, put them in the pda and a hint came up. The thing was that i was doind a series and on another cache there was a the same code just with a different letter at the end. This meant that we were looking in the wrong places. It wasn't until the other person i was with got their road angel out that we discovered we had the wrong clue! Still though, once we did have the correct clue, we still couldn't find the cache! We also discovered another minor problem with it during that trip, it was deleting caches for no reason. This mean that we missed two. When we got back home though, i discovered that i had loaded the waypoints on wrong. The third technical problem happened when we were out night caching the same day. The batteries had run out!

Any way, lets get on with the guide.

You need to decide how much you are going to use your gps. Here is my list of GPSr's that i would recomend

Garmin Etrex H     
